Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caching at Millers Pond - Durham CT

We saw a nice group of caches were located at Millers Pond and since we have never been there we figured we would gather up the kids, minus Mike because he had to work, and take a trip there to see how many we could find. We went caching with jcclark (aka my brother John) and a muggle friend of Maria's

A nice park with a nice wide trail for mountain biking and a lot of little trails going off the main trail. We started out looking for "TUC-118 MP Warm up Crash". We made the mistake of not finding the trail head and climbed up a steep rock ledge, I don't recommend this. It took a minute or two to find this one because the GPS was bouncing a lot so we could not zero in on GZ. We just used our Geo-Sence and started looking in the area and found it

Our next stop was "Just Milling Around" A nice little hike to this one and an easy find because this one was exposed so before we left we hid it a little better.

Number 3 for the day was "TUC-119 MP The Other Left" and again the hike was not to bad, all the caches seem to be about .14 mile apart. We looked for this one for a few minutes and our muggle friend spotted it. Classic mistake on my part was I did not look at the cache size and thought it would be a small container like the first two and that is what we were looking for but it turned out to be a micro. Either way it was found but it does pay to read the description first.

Number 4 was "TUC-120 MP Rock N Roll" and this one was a neat hide and jcclark found this one. I don't think I would of looked there so it is always good to go geocaching with other people, the more eyes the better.

Last on our list for the day was "TUC-121 MP In Your Dreams" This was a good hide and it took us a few minutes to find it but Matt came up with the find.

After this cache we decided to leave for the day because we had other plans for the day, the Durham Fair, but we will be back on another weekend to try to get more of the caches here.

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